
  • Students are expected to attend all classes.
  • Students missing a class, classes or entire school day(s) are expected to have their absence confirmed by a parent or guardian with a dated and signed note in their agenda book indicating the reason for the absence or via a telephone call to the main office from a parent or guardian confirming the absence or face consequences.
  • Parents are encouraged to notify the school in advance of a student’s absence for a particular school day including religious holidays.
  • Any student leaving the school building during school hours without permission will receive a disciplinary action.  A student who requires an early dismissal must bring a dated note signed by their parents before leaving and sign out at the main office prior to departure. Consequences may be given if a student leaves without prior approval.
  • Students who are absent during the day are not permitted to participate in after school activities or evening events.
  • All students are expected to leave the building at the end of the school day, unless involved in an official supervised activity with a staff member. Immediately following the activity, students are to leave the school.  Building access will be restricted after 4:00 p.m.