Expectations of Students
The following behaviours are expected of all students during the course of the day, on sporting events, on the school bus and on field trips:
- Students are expected to respect classroom and school rules;
- Students are expected to resolve conflicts in a peaceful manner, asking for help when needed;
- Students are expected to be polite to all staff members, fellow students, bus drivers and volunteers within the school by using positive and encouraging language;
- Students are expected to respect the rights and dignity of all staff and students when using social media;
- Students are expected to listen to and follow instruction from staff members and keep safety in mind during a lockdown, fire drill or other emergency situation;
- Students are expected to wear the correct uniform at all times when in the school building, including lunch and recess;
- Students are expected to arrive on time in the morning, after lunch and for all classes during the day;
- Students are expected to vacate school premises by 4:00 p.m., unless attending a supervised activity;
- Students are expected to come prepared for class by having the necessary materials and by completing all homework and assignments;
- Students are expected to respect the school environment, including the school building and grounds, and to respect our neighbours and community partners as well.